Me and My Youth

China National Acrobatic Troupe

5 - 7 Jul (Fri - Sun)


Two-time Winner of the Golden Clown Award, Monte Carlo International Acrobatic and Circus Competition, Monaco

Winner of Gold Prize and Budapest Grand Prix, 15th Budapest International Circus Festival, Hungary

Winner of Gold Prize, 3rd Figueres International Circus Festival, Spain

Here comes - not superman - the super-acrobats!

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound... Make no mistake, we are talking about an acrobat — a combination of strength, precision, balance, coordination, skill, courage and artistic flair!

Get ready to witness the fearless and energetic “super-acrobats” of the China National Acrobatic Troupe as they showcase their “superpower” through their signature acts, including trick cycling, sway pole and plate-spinning. These talented performers will leave you in awe with their agile, elegant and highly challenging moves. You'll find yourself on the edge of your seat one moment and applauding their extraordinary skills the next!

Founded in 1950, the China National Acrobatic Troupe is the only national-level group of its kind. Me and My Youth showcases the troupe's classic acts with superb traditional skills and innovative technology to raise the curtain on IAC 2024. Proud winners of awards at home and abroad, the troupe will bring the audience an exciting show with ingenuity and fun.

Performers have been professionally trained. Audience is advised not to imitate their acts.
The programme is subject to change without prior notice.

5 - 6 Jul (Fri - Sat) 7:30pm

6 - 7 Jul (Sat - Sun) 3pm

Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$480, 420, 320, 220*
*Some seats may have restricted view
Approx 1hr and 30 mins incl a 15-min interval
Best for ages 3 and above
Accessible Performance with audio description in Cantonese for the matinee on 6 Jul. A touch tour will be provided prior to the performance for people with visual impairments and their companions. For details, please refer to IAC for All.

There is an accessible performance with audio description in Cantonese on 6 Jul 3pm. A touch tour# will be provided prior to the performance for people with visual impairments and their companions. Please call 2777 1771 for enquiries and registration by 3 Jul 6:30pm. Limited quota available on a first-come-first-served basis.

#Please refer to Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong website for details

“Acro-batman” Parent-child Acrobatic Workshop

Circus Box will share with you acrobatic tricks in an easy-to-understand manner. There are two workshops which teach basic ball juggling techniques and plate spinning tricks respectively. Adults and children can play and learn as they put their body coordination and concentration to the test and feel the joy of acrobatics.

Ball-juggling class

3 Jul (Wed) 3 - 4pm, 5pm - 6pm

5 Jul (Fri) 3 - 4pm, 5 - 6pm

Plate-spinning class

4 Jul (Thu) 3 - 4pm, 5 - 6pm

7 Jul (Sun) 11am - 12nn, 5 - 6pm

GR1, Level 6, Grand Theatre Backstage, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
Child $120Parent $180#
Quota: 15 families^
In Cantonese
Best for ages 6-12 and their parents

#$120 for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients
^1 parent or adult with 1 child
Please dress casually and wear socks