Fields of Tender

Dalija Acin Thelander (Sweden)

12 - 14 Jul (Fri - Sun)

Dance for Babies

A loving and inclusive space that soothes the heart of babies

In a dreamy world filled with care and tenderness, there are furry decorations everywhere to caress the babies’ skin. The dancers open their arms to embrace every curious baby, who can explore the surroundings as they wish, or just fall into a daze. Indulge in this peaceful space with dance, music, sensory objects and images, and feel completely at ease.

Fields of Tender is a one-of-a-kind dance installation designed by Dalija Acin Thelander, winner of The ASSITEJ International Award for Artistic Excellence 2021. Its ethereal set and lighting create this intimate space for the very youngest to explore their surroundings, unlocking their sensory potential and imagination. Based on research into dance for the neurodiverse, it is a haven for babies of all abilities.

12 Jul (Fri) 5:15pm

13 - 14 Jul (Sat - Sun) 11am, 2:15pm, 4pm

Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
$320 (Free Seating)
Approx 1 hr with no interval
For 3- to 18-month-old babies and their parents only
Audience will be seated on the floor and is requested to take off their shoes before entering the performance area. Please dress casually and wear socks

Audience is free to enter and exit the venue at any time
Limited half-price tickets for babies are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
One ticket required for each person regardless of age
Children must be accompanied by parents or adults

Outreach Dance Performance

Dancers will perform a flash mob dance specially designed for children with all abilities and special educational needs, followed by a sharing of research and creative ideas by the choreographer. This is one of the programmes of ‘Dance for All’ Community Care Inclusive Dance Scheme.

7 Jul (Sun) 2 - 2:30pm

Foyer, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

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